
The Hedge Sisters’ School is a place for deep connection and powerful collective exploration.

Through traditional story, inner work, creative expression and ritual we offer guidance to help people reconnect to themselves, their life purpose and their creative freedom.

>> We perch on the boundary between the wild and the cultivated <<

Find your edge and spend some time there. Get to know your wild self, get to know the otherworld, find the medicine to integrate into your cultivated, everyday world. 

>> We walk the line, ancient and fine <<

Join us on a journey in the mythic landscape. Here we explore stories deeply, we take time to walk around inside the story, find what resonates and what triggers, to understand the significance to our own lifes journey and to learn from this process. 

  • If you are curious of the world beyond the hedge; beyond the boundary of the cultivated everyday world;
  • If you feel called to explore the mythic landscape and retrieve the gifts that will help to heal our world;
  • If your soul is crying out that “now is the time to rewrite the narrative that has held you prisoner” - 

We call on you to join us. Join us on this path.

If you feel called to do so, we encourage you to enrol in our school. Join one of our courses and we will become your guides on this way.

With blessings & gratitude,

Catriona & Kirsten

(The Hedge Sisters)

The Hedge Sisters